Shipping and return

After the order arrives at the store, a notification will be sent to the customer by email within one to three business days.

In the case of reproductions, the ordered work will be delivered to the store within seven calendar days (with the exception of special orders, for which the lead time and appropriate delivery method will be agreed separately with the customer).

Choose the most suitable postal machine, and your package will be delivered there within one to five business days from the moment of order confirmation. As soon as the parcel arrives at the device, the recipient will receive a message on his mobile phone and e-mail with the door code, which must be entered to open the door of the parcel safe. The parcel is stored in the locker for seven days.

In the case of reproductions, the delivery time to the parcel machine is up to seven calendar days (with the exception of special orders for which the completion time and the appropriate delivery method will be agreed separately with the client).

If the order is submitted on weekends (from Friday noon to Sunday midnight) or on holidays, the 48-hour deadline starts at 9 a.m. on the first day following a weekend or holiday.

Online store Nina DoShe allows you to order goods from abroad. Please select a destination from the list of countries. If your country is not listed, please contact us by e-mail Depending on the country, the package must be delivered within 7-30 business days.

Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Gibraltar, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, France, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, United Kingdom, Denmark, Czech Republic, Hungary , Belarus and the Vatican: 18 €

USA, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Croatia, Israel, Japan, Canada, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia: 24 €

Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Taiwan and Switzerland: 30 €

Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, South Korea, Mexico, Chile and New Zealand: 36 €

Commisioned project items cannot be returned as they are based on the special wishes of the client. In case of complaints and questions, please send an email to

Contact information:

Nina Doshe
(+372) 54565455

Working hours:

Mon-Fri 9:00 — 17:00